The Multibody Dynamics Simulation Solution
As the world's most widely used Multibody Dynamics (MBD) software, Adams helps engineers to study the dynamics of moving parts, how loads and forces are distributed throughout mechanical systems.
Product manufacturers often struggle to understand true system performance until very late in the design process. Mechanical, electrical, and other subsystems are validated against their specific requirements within the systems engineering process, but full-system testing and validation comes late, leading to rework and design changes that are riskier and more costly than those made early on.
Simulate "Real World" Physics
As the world's most famous and widely used Multibody Dynamics (MBD) software, Adams improves engineering efficiency and reduces product development costs by enabling early system-level design validation. Engineers can evaluate and manage the complex interactions between disciplines including motion, structures, actuation, and controls to better optimize product designs for performance, safety, and comfort. Along with extensive analysis capabilities, Adams is optimized for large-scale problems, taking advantage of high performance computing environments.
Utilizing multibody dynamics solution technology, Adams runs nonlinear dynamics in a fraction of the time required by FEA solutions. Loads and forces computed by Adams simulations improve the accuracy of FEA by providing better assessment of how they vary throughout a full range of motion and operating environments.
Ease of Use
Adams ribbon-style interface and model browser makes it easy for even novice users to create complete, accurate mechanical models. A core package (Adams/View, Adams/Solver, and Adams/PostProcessor) allows you to import geometry from most major CAD systems or to build a solid model of the mechanical system from scratch. You build a system the same way you build a physical system – by creating and assembling parts, connecting them with joints and driving them with motion generators and forces.
High Productivity
Adams/Machinery enables users to create some common machinery components more efficiently by guiding users in pre-processing via automation of activities like geometry creation, subsystem connections, etc. It also assists users in post-processing by providing automated plotting and reporting for commonly desired output channels.
Download Link: Adams 2012 (Adams/Machinery) -Windows 8, 7, -64 bit, 32 bit
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